Eye Facilities
Eyecare is extremely essential and we at Shradha Health Care cater to the needs of all and provide good eye services at.
We have many qualified eye surgeons with many years of experience to take care of you and provide the following services in eye:-
- All type of Eye microsurgery & Phaco Surgery
- Diabetic Retinopathy & Low vision aid clinic
- Amblyopia squint clinic
- Glucoma workup & Surgery
- laser Treatment
- Cashless mediclaim facility available
- Intra ocular pressure check (NCT , AT)
- Refraction
- Slit lamp examination
- Hypertensive disease of Retina
- Indirect Ophthalmology
- USG-B-Scan
- Biometry A-Scan
- NDYAG Laser
- 3D Triton OCT
- Automated perimetry
- Green laser, diabetic retinopathy, synoptophore
- Phaco Emulsification
- Specular microscopy
- vitro retinal surgery
- Repair of Retinal Detachment with Scleral Buckling
Dental Facilities
Dental clinic was started in 2015 and provides the following services :
- Implant of teeth
- Root canal treatment
- Veneerin , Grinding
- Complete Denture
- Orthodental treatment
ENT Facilities
In 2016 we launched our ENT services and provides the following services :
- Ear piercing
- Endoscopy of Ear & Nose